[影片名稱] Dream Quest 幻想之旅
[出品廠商] Wicked Pictures
[影片主角] Alexa Rae, Amber Michaels, Asia Carrera, Felecia, Inari Vachs, Jessica Drake,
Johnni Black, Stephanie Swift, Temptress, Teri Starr Anthony Crane, Brad
Armstrong, Devin Wolf, Evan Stone, Herschel Savage, Randy Spears
[影片大小] 7.80GB
[影片格式] DVD-ISO
[影片時間] 2 hr 7 min
[特徵號碼] AD5A8F470F4CCFE9C3943ACAF4B43A09D5BEC9B4
[有碼無碼] 無碼
[语言字幕] 简体、繁体 中文字幕
[檔案數目] 影片主檔 1 (其餘為附件+2图片)
[有效期限] 3-5天 见15种收种.
[制种日期] 8.22
[图片預覽] ↓

[box=#CCCC33]Dream Quest

Studio: Wicked Pictures Large Cover
Adult Genre: Feature Film
More Feature Film titles from WickedMedia: 
More DVD-Video titles from Wicked
Rated: XXX
Length: 2 hr 7 min
Produced in 2000
Released on DVD in 2000
Enjoy Jenna抯 explosive return to XXX even MORE on interactive DVD! With over a dozen exciting bonus options, including 2 bonus scenes you won抰 see on video. Includes revealing behind-the-scenes footage plus deleted scenes from the cutting-room archives. A MUST-HAVE for your DVD collection!
Feature is 126 X-rated minutes plus 107 minutes of bonus footage
AVN Award Winner 2001: Best Cinematography
Director: Brad Armstrong (Dir.)
Featured Stars:
Jenna Jameson
Starring: Alexa Rae, Amber Michaels, Asia Carrera, Felecia, Inari Vachs, Jessica Drake, Johnni Black, Stephanie Swift, Temptress, Teri Starr Anthony Crane, Brad Armstrong, Devin Wolf, Evan Stone, Herschel Savage, Randy Spears
Customer Rating:

AVN Rating: Content:

Features & ExtrasDeleted Scenes
Special Effects Reel
Audio Biographies
Interactive Menus
Photo Gallery
AVN Winners & Nominees
Interactive Casino
Director Commentary
The following is the first and the third seeds, see the links below, very sorry for your trouble!
注意经下片兄弟提醒的确是一时不留神,抽片时弄浑了,放错了片早发的种子是第一部!第三部已种,万分抱歉,给大家添了不必要的麻烦!特此更正说明! 只要有人愿意下偶将完此第一片的种!
本帖最后由 zhensapolang 于 2007-8-23 01:06 编辑 ]